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 Le warrior a la 1.10, encor un nerf ? ;)

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Nombre de messages : 118
Localisation : Blackrock Mountain
Date d'inscription : 09/02/2006

Le warrior a la 1.10, encor un nerf ? ;) Empty
MessageSujet: Le warrior a la 1.10, encor un nerf ? ;)   Le warrior a la 1.10, encor un nerf ? ;) EmptyLun 27 Fév - 23:25

1. Execute - this skill will work with sweeping strikes. if the life of the secondary target is lower than 20%, then all of the damage from execute will be inflicted to the secondary enemy. otherwise, they will be hit with a normal swing attack.

2. Whirlwind - when used with sweeping strike, it will only use up one charge of sweeping strike, and can only generate one extra attack.

3. Flurry - all ranks of this talent will now be triggered correctly.

4. Retaliation - this skill will function correctly as a melee attack.

5. Intimidating Shout - when it's resisted by the target, the fear effect does not apply anymore. this skill can now be applied to 5 enemies.

6. Flurry - The speed improvement will only be applicable for the next 3 swings (note: isn't that how it works anyway? sorry...don't have a warrior alt, simply translating this for all the classes)

7. Sweeping strikes - the damage from extra attacks that are dealt to the nearby enemy will now be determined by the armor of the secondary enemy.

En gro, Fini les attaque circulaire + tourbillon et les AE fear (a la 1.10, c limité a 5 cible ) GL sur razorgore :p jve voir comment vous allez faire Smile
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Le warrior a la 1.10, encor un nerf ? ;)
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